Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 37: Sacrifices

First, here are some more number stats for where I am right now:
-Initial 2 weeks done.
-3 weeks of the 8-week cut done.
-9.5 pounds lost
-Went from 144.0 to 134.5
-Have completed more than I did the first time I tried to train for this competition and have lost more weight in these 5 weeks than the first 5 weeks of last time.

This past weekend, I went to Dewey Beach.  I started the weekend thinking it was going to be realllly difficult to measure out all my food and eat out of tupperware while everyone else was housing cheesesteaks and pizza.  And it was.  But by the end of the weekend, I realized a few things: a) it wasn't really that hard (especially because we stayed in a house with a kitchen and Greg helped me prepare lots of my food) and b) to be successful in all of this, I'm going to have to make lots of sacrifices, so it doesn't really help to complain about it, but rather suck it up and do it...and realize that the sacrifices really are worth it.

I had to lift legs on Saturday at a random gym in Rehobeth and I had to go do abs and cardio at that same, random gym on Monday before everyone else was even awake.  While I cursed the fact that I had to do this, especially on my vaca, I very soon realized that I felt better after lifting and I really started to feel as though the sacrifices were worth it.  They are just part of the deal.  I guess I kind of knew this subconsciously before starting this whole thing, but weekends like this make me truly aware of the sacrifices I'm making to do this. 

Here are a few from the weekend: no drinking (AT DEWEY BEACH, PEOPLE), no eating out (except for 1 salad with no dressing), watching people around me eating and drinking whatever they wanted, going to bed at a decent time so I could get up to work out, using time to prepare food, taking multiple meals with me wherever I went, and the worst...no ice cream (you know, creamy, mint chocolate chip with hot fudge while strolling on the board walk *drool*).

As I was lifting on Saturday, I looked up and saw the slogan for the gym.  In huge letters it read, "THE DIFFERENCE IS DISCPLINE."  Ok, kinda cheesy, I know.  But it really is true!  And it kind of hit home with me that morning when the sun was (briefly) shining and all I wanted to be doing was sitting at the beach or playing corn hole, sipping a cocktail.  I realized that I signed up for this and come September I will be so glad I made the sacrifices I did and stayed disciplined through it all.  It's not always easy to realize this, especially since it's only JUNE.  But since I've been seeing results both in the gym and on the scale, all of the sacrifices are beginning to feel worth it...even if that means missing out on some things in life momentarily.

Will update soon :)


  1. hi, you were in dewey? did we discuss this? I deleted all my texts from the weekend haha but I could have sworn you sent me a text asking about the obx.. I can't believe I never saw you! Prob b/c I never made it to the gym ;) I did bet a guy that I would run three miles Saturday morning, and that he would buy me a beer for every mile run, but that didn't happen either.

  2. you should have posted pictures with this blog.

    like of your well proportionately tanned legs and stomach

  3. Girl-the only thing you are missing out on is having a crucial hangover. I love you and your little disciplined self. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  4. Wait what's this about you preparing food? I thought I did all that...
