Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Starting Fresh

I'm baaaack.  Sorry for the long delay.  I really didn't have anything to share while I was sitting in my snuggie, eating cheetos and watching 26 inches of snow fall.  I used the time to relax, rest up, and figure out my new goals. 

What I realized is that, in order for me to attain any fitness goal, I have to have the will power to do it for myself.  Not because Greg is super fit.  Not because it's nice to have something like this in common with your boyfriend.  But because it is something that I want for myself.  I realized this week that I really do enjoy fitness-related things.  Maybe not eating oatmeal until it oozes out of my ears, but I enjoy going to the gym and being fit.  I enjoy learning about nutrition and I love lifting weights, more than I love cardio (I'm at the hate stage with my cardio...).  More importantly, I feel better when I am healthy.  I know that sounds kind of like, DUH, but what I mean is when I was eating thai food, chips, chocolate etc., I just didn't feel well.  It tasted freakin' delicious going down, but then later I just felt gross.

What I also realized is that I need balance in my life.  This extreme goal of competing in a competition 14 weeks after I start a program just isn't for me right now.  I can't, and am not sure I want to be, that hard core.  I thrive off of balance--whether it's work related, exercise related, eating related--I just need a balance.  I realized that I'm happier when I can eat healthily during the week but then treat myself to a meal out with friends on the weekend.  I can have a couple desserts during the week and not freak out.  Greg and I can go out and do lots of other things that don't involve dumbbells or protein shakes.  With life a little more balanced, it's easier for me to stick with my fitness plan and do it for the right reasons. 

I've decided to do the weight lifting program with Greg.  I don't want to give up on my fitness passion and goals so I'm modifying my original goal.  He'll train me 3 times a week and I'll lift 1 or 2 other times each week.  I'll do 1 day of cardio and some weeks I'll have 2 off days and other weeks I'll have 1 off day.  My diet is higher in protein so I'm eating a little more, which is always nice.  And, like I said, going out to eat isn't such a huge deal on the weekends.

So that is where I stand right now...I'm still going to keep blogging about what's happening in my fitness world and will keep everyone posted on my progress.  It feels refreshing to have a new goal, one that seems more balanced and more attainable.  I'm still working on other hobbies.  I realized during the snowpocolypse that I LOVE puzzles.  We have a 1,000 piece puzzle at our house right now that is almost done.  OK, I'm a little bit of a dork, but I love them :)  I would still like to volunteer or do a book club.  Still planning to look into a swimming program as well.  I want to find something that I can do both by myself, but also something that I can introduce Greg to the way that he introduced me to all things fitness.  (I did introduce him to UFC but we don't exactly engage in cage fighting as an evening activity...get your minds out of the gutter!)

I've had a request to do a blog post on workout music, so that will be coming shortly.  I am also coming up with my top 10 gym pet peeves that I will share soon!

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you have thought all of this out and that you've concluded to do what's best for you. Balance is the key. I definitely think swimming would be great since that was your sport, I think. I also love the book group idea. I'm in 2-one of them I like better than the other. Book groups are so much fun ( yes, I'm dorky, too)!! Just keep figuring yourself out. It will all be OK.

    Love ya,
    Mama Kauds
